Why we use Chelated Minerals?


Obtaining sufficient essential minerals is vital for the health of your horse, yet some animals do no get enough of these from diet alone; and so there is the need for mineral supplements. Many minerals exert most of their beneficial biological effect only in their �chelated form�.


�Chelated� basically means �firmly attached�, usually to an amino acid or other organic component. Minerals not attached to an amino acid may become bound by other substances in the digestive tract; for example, phytic acid from cereal grains. These substances can inhibit the absorption of the minerals, thus defeating their purpose.


Amino acid chelates, on the other hand, are resistant to the type of chemical reaction that occurs along the way from the stomach to the intestine, Minerals which are properly chelated allow easy passage through the intestinal wall, into the blood stream, resulting in their increased metabolism.

Chelated minerals are more forgiving to mistakes caused by giving animals �goodies� or inferior supplements.


The benefits of using chelated minerals for livestock has received a great deal of research interest. It is well know, for example, that providing adequate levels of trace minerals is required for maintaining the immune system, and that animals fed chelated forms of minerals possess immune systems that respond more vigorously to pathogenic changes.

Chelates have been shown to benefit animals suffering:

� digestive ailments
� stress
� damaged tissue

As well, chelated minerals are less likely to react with minerals in drinking water and so alleviate problems associated with high iron or sulphur content.


It is important for horse owners to realise that, while the use of a chelated mineral product may provide a benefit, it should be used only as part of a good feeding programme � not a replacement.